Saturday, March 8, 2014

Friday Club Ride: Ethan & Andrew - March 8

This Friday's club ride was packed with miles and scenery! We had one show-up from the club for this ride, Ethan. First, we headed south to get Ethan's wheels pumped and ready to go! Then, we rode northwest towards Fremont. The first segment was Piedmont Road (north), which was relatively easy at a relaxed pace of around 8 mph.

Then, after the small downhill next to the green hills east of the road, our average speed rose to about 10 mph. Destined for Fremont, we rode towards Avalon Heights (in the wind). This gave the opportunity to talk about the importance of drafting and staying as low as possible in the wind. That's 1-5 mph for free in the small winds!

Before reaching Avalon Heights, we made a left onto Scott Creek Road, towards the 880. Then we biked alongside the 880. Watching the snail-paced traffic on the highway next to us was pretty amusing as we coasted down at 17 mph.

Finally, after riding along the 880, we turned around and retraced the route back to school. 400 calories lost, and the other stats can be seen below!

  • 17.7mi
  • 1:33:06
     Moving Time
  • 580ft
  • 63W
    Estimated Avg Power
  • 354kJ
    Energy Output
Elapsed Time1:45:07
Bike: Mountain

I'm hoping to see more club members on the next ride!

- Andrew